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26 October, 2011

Little Busters!

“Little Busters,” a bunch of four kids who demanded to battle wicked. It is also the Key's sixth Anime Game, along with other titles such as Kanon, Air, and Clannad.

Little Busters game
The plot line goes with the everyday lives of a group of students who call themselves the Little Busters, a name they have used since childhood. They are now in high school with four of them in second year and one of them in their third and final year. The story initiates one day in the Little Busters' second year of high school, when they decide to play a game of baseball but need more players.

Little Busters game

Little Busters game

Riki recruits five new girls tojoin them: childlike Komari, troublemaker Haruka, big-sisterly Yuiko, fragile Mio, and But Not Too Foreign Kudryavka.
Little Busters game

Little Busters Characters:

Rin Natsume

Rin Natsume
In spite of having a fiery temper, she's very shy around strangers and is thus initially unable to make friends outside of the Little Busters.

Komari Kamikita

Komari Kamikita
She is very popular with people in general due to her friendliness and cuteness, but quick thinking isn't her forte and she is clumsy both in action and words. She is the first girl Riki recruits into Little Busters.

Yuiko Kurugaya

Yuiko Kurugaya
She is very smart and agile, and have traumatized Masato, Kengo and Kyousuke by beating them in combat in the past.

Haruka Saigusa

Haruka Saigusa
She active enjoys causing as much of a ruckus as she can in school, and thus is the bitter opponent in the eyes of the school's disciplinary committee headed by Kanata Futaki.

Kudryavka Noumi

Kudryavka Noumi
She is studying abroad in Riki's school, but she is very knowledgeable in Japanese due to the influence of her grandfather.

Mio Nishizono

Mio Nishizono
She tends to not actively interact with others and thus has very little presence in general. She keeps a parasol around whenever outside due to her weak health and never takes part in any sports activities.

Sasami Sasasegawa

Sasami Sasasegawa
She is very popular with her club and generally has three fangirls following her everywhere, whom she sends in the ring first whenever a fight between her and Rin breaks out.

Kanata Futaki

Kanata Futaki
She is extremely serious about her work and tends to be very cold with people in general, particularly with Haruka whom is a constant source of trouble for her.

Saya Tokido

Saya Tokido
She refers as "Darkness executives" who prevent her from seeking the treasure, as well as spies from other hostile factions.

Kyosuke Natsume

Kyosuke Natsume
He is respected by the other members and looked up to, and as such, also acts as a mediator whenever a fight breaks out between two of the members. He is Rin's older brother and the leader of the Little Busters.

Masato Inohara

Masato Inohara
He's obsessed with working out and maintaining his muscles, but falls a bit short when it comes to flexing his mind. He is the third member of the Little Busters and Riki's roommate.

Kengo Miyazawa

Kengo Miyazawa
He practices kendo, making him the only member of the group who actually participates in a club activity, and is the only member to refuse to play baseball as a team. He is the fourth member of the Little Busters.

Riki Naoe

Riki Naoe
He has a meek disposition and a frail body, and is generally considered the weakest of the group, but he's also the one with the most common sense. He is the fifth and last member of the original Little Busters.

Little Busters! Trailer


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