Idol Incidents is animated adaptation of the eponymous game of MAGES released in 2014. The plot revolves around the election battle between idol representing 47 prefectures of Japan. The designs of the characters are handled by various artists such as CUTEG, Matssun *, Tiv, Yosai Kuchu, Mamu Mitsumomo, and Akemi Mikoto.
The series was broadcast in Japan from January 8 to March 27, 2017. Twenty years ago, the idol Kagura Mikazuki became Prime Minister of Japan and, with the help of the government, revived the Japanese economy. Since then, idols are no longer mere singer-dancer stars but true politicians in their own right.
The series was broadcast in Japan from January 8 to March 27, 2017. Twenty years ago, the idol Kagura Mikazuki became Prime Minister of Japan and, with the help of the government, revived the Japanese economy. Since then, idols are no longer mere singer-dancer stars but true politicians in their own right.