The anime also known as Gaworare, is a series of light novels written by Toka Takei, with illustrations by Cuteg. Bring in publication since 2011, an adaptation of manga and this year had its 13-episode animated adaptation.
Hatate Sota mediate a schoolboy, the Power about tea visualizer " flags " for future events such as "death flag" , "Friendship flag" , one has "romance flag. " Despite the flag officer playback capability, he avoids making of friends with others as a result of a trauma he experienced in a ship immersion accident. Four beautiful girls getting interested in his strange manias of life, one they begin to live with him up the school dorm with violence.
Hatate Sota mediate a schoolboy, the Power about tea visualizer " flags " for future events such as "death flag" , "Friendship flag" , one has "romance flag. " Despite the flag officer playback capability, he avoids making of friends with others as a result of a trauma he experienced in a ship immersion accident. Four beautiful girls getting interested in his strange manias of life, one they begin to live with him up the school dorm with violence.