The anime series is directed by Takuya Igarashi and produced by Bones. It aired in Japan from April 5 to September 20. 2014 on MBS. The story revolves around the pupil of the second year of high school, give Manatsu who notices the evening, before the summer holidays, a strange circular rainbow on TV that float across the sky over the island of Tanegashima.
Earlier, Daichi already seen this rainbow. Together with memories of the mysterious death of his father, and a chance meeting girls and boys, give resides on the island. At this time, the island is heard the alarm in the building with the inscription "The engine of the Earth", which instantly disappears.
Someone asks Daichi about if he captain, he should know that recently robotic impostors from the planet Uranus, which is called KILL-T-GANG, arrived on the island. The battle near the sparkling stars is about to begin.
Captain Earth Characters:
Daichi Manatsu
He is a 17-year-old high school student who lost his father years prior in a space travel accident and left his family's home on Tanegashima afterwards. When he sees a ringed rainbow formation on a television broadcast from the Tanegashima Space Center, he returns. Because of his skill at a particular arcade game, it makes him the perfect pilot for the Earth Engine Impacter and the smaller Earth Engine Ordinary component robot.
Teppei Arashi
He is, in truth, the human form of the Type-3 Kill-T-Gang known as Albion and is called "Alaya" by other Kill-T-Gang members. The genes for his "Designer's Child" human body were provided by a man named Eiji Arashi, who was in stasis on the Tenkaido station before escaping. Teppei's Ego Block is eventually destroyed, leaving him a normal human. Though he loses the ability to become Albion, he gains his own Livlaster, which he uses to power up his own mecha, the prototype Nebula Engine Impacter.
Hana Mutou
She was discovered in the basement of the Tanegashima Space Center enclosed in a sphere. Hana was found with a Livlaster weapon of her own, but she is unable to summon or use it and it is kept in storage at Globe HQ. She is connected to a ship known as Blume, hidden somewhere on Tanegashima Island, and possesses the ability to instill Orgone energy from Blume into a Machine Goodfellow unit by singing a certain song. She is also often accompanied by a strange squirrel-like creature named Pitz that can communicate with her and predict Orgone energy events.
Akari Yomatsuri
She is Nishikubo and Yomatsuri's daughter, and claims she dedicated herself to hacking while her parents were not with her due to work. She has allegedly hacked into international satellites even from the US. She operates under the handle "Code Papillon" when hacking. Akari is so skilled at computers, she has the ability to access and control every weapon of mass destruction on the planet, but she claims she can only attempt this once, as the world's governments would recognize and counter future attempts.
Captain Earth Trailer
Earlier, Daichi already seen this rainbow. Together with memories of the mysterious death of his father, and a chance meeting girls and boys, give resides on the island. At this time, the island is heard the alarm in the building with the inscription "The engine of the Earth", which instantly disappears.
Someone asks Daichi about if he captain, he should know that recently robotic impostors from the planet Uranus, which is called KILL-T-GANG, arrived on the island. The battle near the sparkling stars is about to begin.
Captain Earth Characters:
Daichi Manatsu
He is a 17-year-old high school student who lost his father years prior in a space travel accident and left his family's home on Tanegashima afterwards. When he sees a ringed rainbow formation on a television broadcast from the Tanegashima Space Center, he returns. Because of his skill at a particular arcade game, it makes him the perfect pilot for the Earth Engine Impacter and the smaller Earth Engine Ordinary component robot.
Teppei Arashi
He is, in truth, the human form of the Type-3 Kill-T-Gang known as Albion and is called "Alaya" by other Kill-T-Gang members. The genes for his "Designer's Child" human body were provided by a man named Eiji Arashi, who was in stasis on the Tenkaido station before escaping. Teppei's Ego Block is eventually destroyed, leaving him a normal human. Though he loses the ability to become Albion, he gains his own Livlaster, which he uses to power up his own mecha, the prototype Nebula Engine Impacter.
Hana Mutou
She was discovered in the basement of the Tanegashima Space Center enclosed in a sphere. Hana was found with a Livlaster weapon of her own, but she is unable to summon or use it and it is kept in storage at Globe HQ. She is connected to a ship known as Blume, hidden somewhere on Tanegashima Island, and possesses the ability to instill Orgone energy from Blume into a Machine Goodfellow unit by singing a certain song. She is also often accompanied by a strange squirrel-like creature named Pitz that can communicate with her and predict Orgone energy events.
Akari Yomatsuri
She is Nishikubo and Yomatsuri's daughter, and claims she dedicated herself to hacking while her parents were not with her due to work. She has allegedly hacked into international satellites even from the US. She operates under the handle "Code Papillon" when hacking. Akari is so skilled at computers, she has the ability to access and control every weapon of mass destruction on the planet, but she claims she can only attempt this once, as the world's governments would recognize and counter future attempts.
Captain Earth Trailer
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