The anime series is directed by Takuya Igarashi and produced by Bones. It aired in Japan from April 5 to September 20. 2014 on MBS. The story revolves around the pupil of the second year of high school, give Manatsu who notices the evening, before the summer holidays, a strange circular rainbow on TV that float across the sky over the island of Tanegashima.
Earlier, Daichi already seen this rainbow. Together with memories of the mysterious death of his father, and a chance meeting girls and boys, give resides on the island. At this time, the island is heard the alarm in the building with the inscription "The engine of the Earth", which instantly disappears.
Earlier, Daichi already seen this rainbow. Together with memories of the mysterious death of his father, and a chance meeting girls and boys, give resides on the island. At this time, the island is heard the alarm in the building with the inscription "The engine of the Earth", which instantly disappears.