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07 May, 2012

Tiger and Bunny

It is located in a futuristic city where two superheroes, old-fashioned veteran "Wild Tiger" and the rookie hero Barnaby Brooks Jr., must work together because of the orders of their bosses.
tiger & bunny
The series is set in a fictional version of New York, called Sternbild City. 45 years ago, people with superpowers, called "NEXT" began to appear and some of them became superheroes. Each one of the most famous heroes of the city works for a sponsoring company, and their uniforms also contain advertising of real sponsors of the series. His heroic activities are issued in a popular television show, "Hero TV", where they earn points when you save someone or catch a criminal.

bunny and tiger anime

Each season, the most scored receives the title "King of Heroes". The story centers on the hero veteran Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, known as Wild Tiger , who was assigned a new partner, a young man named Barnaby Brooks Jr. However, Barnaby and Kotetsu have problems working together, as they have conflicting opinions about how a hero should act.
tiger and bunny anime

Tiger and Bunny Characters:

Wild Tiger anime

Kotetsu T. Kaburagi / Wild Tiger
One of the main characters and superhero veteran who because of his disregard for private property when he fights crime has earned the nickname "Destroyer for Justice".

Bunny anime

Barnaby Brooks Jr. / Bunny
A 24 year old rookie hero who does not care to hide his identity, and is the latest hero Hero TV. It has the same power as his companion Wild Tiger, but relies more on strategy Kotetsu. On camera always has a ready smile, but with peers is something unpleasant, something that bothers Kotetsu and the other heroes.

Blue Rose

Karina Lyle / Blue Rose
A high school student of 16 who lives with his parents and uses her popularity as a heroine to promote his work as a singer. She also works as a pianist under her real name. Her power involves the manipulation of the ice. If things go well, using the so-called "Escape Cutie," which is simply running out of where it is.

Sky High

Keith Goodman / Sky High
Currently the most popular hero of the city and won the title of "King of Heroes" last season. He has the habit of repeating the same word twice, saying for example "Thanks! And again, thank you." Despite its popularity, he is a very honest and always tries to help his teammates when needed.

Dragon Kid

Huang Pao-Lin / Dragon Kid
A young Chinese girl trained in martial arts since childhood. Her company pressed to try to be more feminine, such as Blue Rose, but she hates the idea. She is capable of producing electricity. It also has a cane to give blows.

Rock Bison

Antonio Lopez / Rock Bison
A hero who wears a large green armor. He is an old friend and rival Wild Tiger and known since high school. Many days are going to drink together. His ability in addition to its great strength, is to tighten the skin and lash out at his enemies.

Origami Cyclone

Ivan Karelin / Origami Cyclone
A young hero who wears a suit set in the ninja. Prefer to advertise their sponsors and rarely engaged in combat with criminals, but strives to appear in photos and on television. He has the ability to copy the look and voice of a person after touching it, but not his powers.


Yuri Petrov / Lunatic
He is responsible for passing sentence on judgments about damage to private property, such as that usually causes Kotetsu. Petrov is actually Lunatic, a NEXT blue flames that can generate more powerful than those of Fire Emblem and has more control over them. Lunatic disagree with the decision not to kill the heroes of criminals and decides to take justice into their own hands.

Tiger and Bunny Trailer

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