The Town Without Me, also known as ERASED, is a manga seinen written and illustrated by Kei Sanbe and serialized in Young Ace of Kadokawa Shoten since 2012. An anime adaptation produced by a-1 Pictures began airing on Fuji TV on 8 January as as 2016.
The story follows Satoru Fujinuma, who has a skill able to return it in time just before a fatal accident occurs, to prevent this from happening. When her mother dies, the ability to Satoru suddenly sends him eighteen years ago when he was still in elementary school, giving the opportunity as well to prevent kidnapping incident that took the lives of three of his classmates.
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi Characters:
Satoru Fujinuma
He is a 29 year old manga artist who also works part-time as a deliveryman at Oasi Pizza. He possesses an ability he calls "Revival", which would bring him back to a time before a life-threatening incident would occur and allow him to prevent it.
Airi Katagiri
She is a high school student and Satoru's co-worker at Oasi Pizza. She became involved with Satoru when she witnessed oddities such as when Satoru managed to save people from certain life-threatening situations.
Kayo Hinazuki
She is one of Satoru's primary school classmates, and one of the original victims of the serial kidnapping case 18 years ago. She was saved due to Satoru's attempt to stop the kidnapper through his "Revival".
Sachiko Fujinuma
She is Satoru's mother and former news announcer. She possesses a sharp eye and is quick to observe any irregularities. She knows about the cold cases of serial kidnapping in her town, but decided to keep quiet and ignore it due to her child's growth and safety.
Kenya Kobayashi
He is one of Satoru's primary school classmates who has a strong sense of justice. He is an aspiring lawyer who has a keen eye, and noticed abnormalities due to Satoru acting much more mature than he was after "Revival".
ERASED Trailer
The story follows Satoru Fujinuma, who has a skill able to return it in time just before a fatal accident occurs, to prevent this from happening. When her mother dies, the ability to Satoru suddenly sends him eighteen years ago when he was still in elementary school, giving the opportunity as well to prevent kidnapping incident that took the lives of three of his classmates.
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi Characters:
Satoru Fujinuma
He is a 29 year old manga artist who also works part-time as a deliveryman at Oasi Pizza. He possesses an ability he calls "Revival", which would bring him back to a time before a life-threatening incident would occur and allow him to prevent it.
Airi Katagiri
She is a high school student and Satoru's co-worker at Oasi Pizza. She became involved with Satoru when she witnessed oddities such as when Satoru managed to save people from certain life-threatening situations.
Kayo Hinazuki
She is one of Satoru's primary school classmates, and one of the original victims of the serial kidnapping case 18 years ago. She was saved due to Satoru's attempt to stop the kidnapper through his "Revival".
Sachiko Fujinuma
She is Satoru's mother and former news announcer. She possesses a sharp eye and is quick to observe any irregularities. She knows about the cold cases of serial kidnapping in her town, but decided to keep quiet and ignore it due to her child's growth and safety.
Kenya Kobayashi
He is one of Satoru's primary school classmates who has a strong sense of justice. He is an aspiring lawyer who has a keen eye, and noticed abnormalities due to Satoru acting much more mature than he was after "Revival".
ERASED Trailer
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