It is located in a futuristic city where two superheroes, old-fashioned veteran "Wild Tiger" and the rookie hero Barnaby Brooks Jr., must work together because of the orders of their bosses.
The series is set in a fictional version of New York, called Sternbild City. 45 years ago, people with superpowers, called "NEXT" began to appear and some of them became superheroes. Each one of the most famous heroes of the city works for a sponsoring company, and their uniforms also contain advertising of real sponsors of the series. His heroic activities are issued in a popular television show, "Hero TV", where they earn points when you save someone or catch a criminal.
The series is set in a fictional version of New York, called Sternbild City. 45 years ago, people with superpowers, called "NEXT" began to appear and some of them became superheroes. Each one of the most famous heroes of the city works for a sponsoring company, and their uniforms also contain advertising of real sponsors of the series. His heroic activities are issued in a popular television show, "Hero TV", where they earn points when you save someone or catch a criminal.