Each girl in the Agency is partnered with a male handler to form a unit called a "fratello". The stories center on bonds among the girls and their handlers. The girls' cybernetic implants as well as the drugs and conditioning they receive are killing them while unhurriedly demolishing their minds and characters. None of them will see adulthood.
Despite this bleak backdrop, the show is interesting for its fairly nuance and even-handed approach to these relationships and the girls' situation as child soldiers - while it does not glamorize the girls-with-guns concept, nor does it wallow in cynicism or mawkishness and treat their lives as entirely despairing black tragedies, instead having an optimistic tinge of the girls finding solace and new worth in their situation where they can.

Gunslinger Girl Characters:
Her entire family, six people were killed, she alone survived, having lost limbs and have experienced terrible abuse. Prior to joining the agency and brainwashing would commit suicide. Her affection is caused by a mentor more gratitude and respect, not only drugs, which tries to use Dzhozeffo minimal. At the same time exposed to uncontrolled outbursts of anger, even with little threat to life or health of a mentor.
On the 11th birthday, her parents signed the papers transferring her full custody of the agency, where she received a new, obedient body. Having gained the freedom of movement, enjoys new things, loves life in the agency implicitly carries out all orders and demolish the abuse, not even noticing it. She's afraid to be useless for Giovanni.
She is very pragmatic with just a hint of rebellion, andhas a sarcastic wit and prefers to wear masculine clothing, though she does wear more feminine clothing in later chapters. She serves as a sort of mentor to the other girls of the SWA and retains a realistic outlook on her situation within the Agency.
She is used as a test subject by the cyborg engineers, who utilize controlled situations and equipment to monitor the usefulness of her implants. She wears glasses from her life before her cybernetic operation as a visual reminder of a promise she once made to Raballo to “be good”, but over time she’s come to believe that she should not engage in violence at all — which causes complications when she and Petra are sent to capture some suspected weapons smugglers.
As the first cyborg to undergo the conditioning process, she became the first cyborg to suffer the deleterious effects. She suffered serious injuries while protecting on a mission at the end of season 1, but manages to slowly recover and eventually rejoin the other girls, despite the doubts of some Section 2 members.
Gunslinger Girl Video Review
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