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23 August, 2011

Letter Bee - Tegami Bachi Reverse

Tegami Bachi is set in the world of Amberground, a land where dozens of diverse and scattered towns are connected by the Letter Bees, an elite cadre of men and women who deliver letters, packages, and occasionally even people from town to town.
anime Letter Bee
The principal story drives along the escapades of Lag Seeing, a rookie Letter Bee (and former Letter) as he seeks out Gauche Suede, the Bee, who saved him after his mother disappeared... and who has since disappeared into himself. With his Dingo, a somewhat... unusual young lady by the name of Niche, Lag delivers letters, battles Gaichuu, hunts for the missing Gauche, and slowly but surely begins to find himself drawn into a hidden conflict that threatens to rip apart the already troubled land of Amberground.

tegami bachi reverse

Letter Bee Characters:

Letter Bee lag seeing

Lag Seeing
He is a very focused and unfailingly polite young boy. He is a former letter delivered by Gauche Suede to his aunt. His encounter with Gauche inspired him to become a Letter Bee. His Shindanjuu was originally an antique from Cambel Litus. He received the Nocturne #12, Gauche Suede's gun from Sylvette. His Spirit Amber attack is called "Red Needle" and is able to visualize the memories held within whatever it is shot at. He can also somehow control the direction it goes. He has Spirit Amber implanted in his left eye socket.

niche Letter Bee

She shows very animalistic-like traits like licking wounds and sniffing for danger.
She is Lag's personal bodyguard, AKA Dingo. Niche was a letter Lag encountered on his way to the Bee-Hive and he delivered to her destination, a side-show circus called Love Someone Down. She is actually the "Child of Maka" (lit. the Child of Greatness) and as a result, has golden, 'sword-like' hair, blue eyes and arms resembling that of a bear.

Letter Bee zazie

A Bee who specializes in killing Gaichuu and actually has very little interest in deliveries. His parents were killed by Gaichuu when he was a child, leading him to become a Bee in order to exact vengeance. He likes cats; in fact his Dingo is a panther named "Wasiolka." His Spirit Amber attack is "Blue Thorn" and shoots pieces of his hate.

Letter Bee jiggy

Jiggy Pepper
He is a young adult Bee who occasionally shows up when the manga decides to be extra cool. He has a scar over his right eye, wearing a standard Letter Bee outfit with a scarf. He wears goggles when riding his motorcycle. Has two adopted siblings, Nelli and Nello, though Nello, the boy, eventually dies of an illness. He left their hometown to become stronger to protect them. His Spirit Amber, Sea Blue Ultramarine, is in his motorcycle. His Dingo is a hawk named Harry.

Letter Bee aria

Aria Link
She is the Sub Master of the Bee Hive and Largo's right hand, taking care of the minor things for him. Her Spirit Amber ability is the Heart Restoration Bullet, which she executes by playing music on her violin. The music has a healing effect on everyone who hears it. The closer one stands to her while she is playing, the stronger the healing effects. Her Spirit Amber attack is "Crimson Melody" and is executed by playing her violin. Her Dingo is Bolt, a large dog.

Letter Bee gauche

Gauche Suede
He's a lively and pleasant young man, something remarked upon by those who've met him. He also wants to become the Head Bee so that he can make life easier for his younger sister. His Spirit Amber attack is "Black Needle" and his Dingo is Roda. Lag's mentor and hero, who delivered him to his aunt in Chapter 1.

Letter Bee largo

Largo Lloyd
He is the Master of the Bee Hive. Seem to have a more invested interest in Lag and his deliveries for reasons unknown.

Letter Bee thunderland

Dr. Thunderland Jr.
He is a biologist who belongs to the Third Bioscience advisory panel of Amberground divisions specializing in pathology. He collects corpses for dissection and study, earning him the nickname "The Corpse Doctor." He has a morbid interest in dissection. Not as evil as he looks.

Letter Bee sylvette

Sylvette Suede
She is Gauche's younger, handicapped sister. Like Lag, she was also born of the Day of Flicker. After Gauche leaves for Akatsuki, he disappears, leaving her to assume he's dead. She covers the rent and expenses on her house by making and selling dolls and renting a room to Lag.

Letter Bee [Tegami Bachi] Preview


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