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14 May, 2011

Lupin III - LUPIN the 3rd by Monkey Punch

Prey targeting elusive master thief Lupin III is a must take. He is the grandson of a famed thief Arsene Lupin.
lupin the third
A Quick Draw cool gunman Daisuke Jigen, Goemon Ishikawa XIII Thirty generations in two samurai swords anything specific iron sword, Fujiko Mine the companion of the mysterious beauty, and A Police Inspector Zenigata who spent his life to catch him with sprinkled talent whom drew their activity.

LUPIN the Third Characters:

lupin the third

Arsene Lupin III
He has a tall and soft body. Skillful and articulation limbs. They can impersonate a little tall and a smaller amount in short hair. Basically, monkey face and long face are characterized by a turned-up chin Momi on a Ge, and even handsome face is hardly flattering. The comedian womanizer. Lovable personality, but a lot of charm, also has been shrewd cunning.


Jigen Daisuke
He is the Master of handguns in Cohort III Lupine. Grow a Beard, Dark Suit, Mainly Blue system [one] has Been Wearing a Fedora and always. The animation is wearing a hat with a deep almost consistently, but they were other relatively common scenes in the eyes showing, [III ] Partiii Lupine in the first part of the hat to the full animation was drawn up to show the nature of.


Goemon Ishigawa
He is a very bright and sensible, serious and pure-hearted son of a setting. The woman is not interested much. Possession of a knife brewing always and sword is not in itself a special "secret steel the sword" and can be cut by the art of iron. His casual dress is a kimono and hakama, which wrapped Hadake before exposing large. Feet are sandals without socks.


Fujiko Mine
Glamorous look beautiful but everybody is in a materialistic nature and attachment of gold, and jewelry is definitely the worst in inverse proportion to the appearance of thin. No.1. Jinx Vanity Fair says the most reliable in the Lupin gang.


Inspector Zenigata Kiebu
Inspector of Police to Arrest and Long-Cherished Wish 3 of the World Lupine Official Seconded an investigation Lupine Full-time. A strong sense of justice, hate evil nature. Lupine is a purpose for the arrest of offenders is therefore, a strong idea that is gradually arrested Lupine also instinct to call certain things take on Zenigata. Therefore, entirely read Mezu air field, even in the field of tension "Lupine! 'S Arrest ~!" Komu hit often, and often put a damper on the story.

Lupin III Trailer

Ozine Fest '09 winner : Lupin III Cosplay - Live Action OP


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