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03 November, 2014

Robot Girls Z

Robot Girls Z is a television series anime produced by Toei Animation. The series was broadcast on Toei Channel for nine episodes (divided into blocks of three) between January 4th 2014 and March 2 , 2014.

The protagonists of the anime are Z-chan (parody of Mazinger Z ), Gre-chan  (parody of Great Mazinger ) and Grenda-san (parody of UFO Robot Grendizer ). Athough in the course of the episodes appear even parodies of many other characters of the series Toei.

The team is trying somehow to protect the city of Photon Power Town against all kinds of enemies.

Robot Girls Z Characters:

Team Z

Mazinger Z / Z-chan
She is the leader of Team Z. She is hotblooded and impulsive usually destroying city blocks while paying no mind to the destruction she causes. She is often called a kid with strong athletic abilities by Gre-chan due to this. However Z-chan likes to fight evil, while causing a bit more mayhem than her enemies do and having little interest in justice.

Great Mazinger / Gre-chan
She is the Youngest member of the team. Compared to her teammates, she speaks very little and is rather cynical, quite often judging others for their flaws, including Z-chan who she calls a "kid" despite Z-chan being a little older than her. She always says she dislikes athletic girls, particularly Z-chan. Despite the harsh treatment she gives Z-chan, Gre-chan appears to actually like her as she expressed some concern when Minerva X appeared to be around Z-chan and started to cry when Z-chan said she hated her. She is often seen holding something in her hands such as a digital camera or a portable gaming system.

Grendizer /Grenda-san
She is the more sophisticated member of her team and is generally friendly and unfussy. However, she has a sadistic side where she has thoughts of punishing people in embarrassing ways. Grenda-san is a big fan Rhine X especially of Rhine X1 and did everything she could to avoid listening to the singing of Belgas V5 out of personal preference.

Team G

Getter Robo  / Get-chan

Steel Jeeg / Jeeg-san

Team T

Gaiking / Gai-chan
She has a personality similar to Z-Chan's.

Gakeen / Gacky

Barattack / Bara-tan
She acts like a bratty little girl

Danguard Ace / DanDan

Robot Girls Z Trailer


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