Robot Girls Z is a television series anime produced by Toei Animation. The series was broadcast on Toei Channel for nine episodes (divided into blocks of three) between January 4th 2014 and March 2 , 2014.
The protagonists of the anime are Z-chan (parody of Mazinger Z ), Gre-chan (parody of Great Mazinger ) and Grenda-san (parody of UFO Robot Grendizer ). Athough in the course of the episodes appear even parodies of many other characters of the series Toei.
The protagonists of the anime are Z-chan (parody of Mazinger Z ), Gre-chan (parody of Great Mazinger ) and Grenda-san (parody of UFO Robot Grendizer ). Athough in the course of the episodes appear even parodies of many other characters of the series Toei.