Brave 10 is a manga Japanese written and illustrated by Kairi Shimotsuki. After some rumors of the end of the first manga, in August 2011 on the official website of Brave10 was published the first teaser animated adaptation, an anime TV series and is the first manga of the same name to it.
Brave10 is set in the Sengoku period (1478-1605), an era in which Japan was divided into small feudal states that tended to war for supremacy. Because of the ambition of a gentleman of these states, the shrine of Izumo is set on fire and his people killed.
Only one girl manages to escape the massacre, the priestess who Isanami, fleeing into the woods, he runs into Kiragakure Saizo, a masterless samurai who has a tendency to always seek opponents stronger than him to beat. Isanami, immediately understands that he can trust Saizou, so asks him to accompany her to Ueda. The young samurai, despite not want to shoulder the responsibility of the girl, is forced by a series of events to protect her.
Brave 10 Characters:
Saizo Kirigakure
Powerful Iga ninja who did not serve anyone in the beginning to be accepted by Sanada. Inspired by a ninja legendary Japanese popular imagination of the nineteenth century. Legend has it that comes from the village of Iga ninja.
Inspired by Izanami, Japanese mythology, goddess of creation and death and Izanagi's twin sister, whom he married. From this union were born several other gods, including the god of fire, in whose birth Izanami died.
Sasuke Sarutobi
Inspired by a ninja legendary Japanese popular imagination of the nineteenth century, although there is the possibility to have originated from the legend of a real warrior. The various versions of the legend bind the Kouga ninja village and the army of Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura Sanada
The second son of Lord Ueno. The Sanada clan became notorious for his opposition to the Tokugawa clan during the Sengoku period. In popular culture, spread the legend that led Sanada powerful ten ninjas, known as "The Ten Sanada Brave".
Kunoichi Russian and a childhood friend of Saizou dominates and hailstones.
Kamanosuke Yuri
Has an androgynous figure who struggles with a Kamaitachi and allows no one but him Saizou mate.
BRAVE10 TV trailerBrave10 is set in the Sengoku period (1478-1605), an era in which Japan was divided into small feudal states that tended to war for supremacy. Because of the ambition of a gentleman of these states, the shrine of Izumo is set on fire and his people killed.
Only one girl manages to escape the massacre, the priestess who Isanami, fleeing into the woods, he runs into Kiragakure Saizo, a masterless samurai who has a tendency to always seek opponents stronger than him to beat. Isanami, immediately understands that he can trust Saizou, so asks him to accompany her to Ueda. The young samurai, despite not want to shoulder the responsibility of the girl, is forced by a series of events to protect her.
Brave 10 Characters:
Saizo Kirigakure
Powerful Iga ninja who did not serve anyone in the beginning to be accepted by Sanada. Inspired by a ninja legendary Japanese popular imagination of the nineteenth century. Legend has it that comes from the village of Iga ninja.
Inspired by Izanami, Japanese mythology, goddess of creation and death and Izanagi's twin sister, whom he married. From this union were born several other gods, including the god of fire, in whose birth Izanami died.
Sasuke Sarutobi
Inspired by a ninja legendary Japanese popular imagination of the nineteenth century, although there is the possibility to have originated from the legend of a real warrior. The various versions of the legend bind the Kouga ninja village and the army of Yukimura Sanada.
Yukimura Sanada
The second son of Lord Ueno. The Sanada clan became notorious for his opposition to the Tokugawa clan during the Sengoku period. In popular culture, spread the legend that led Sanada powerful ten ninjas, known as "The Ten Sanada Brave".
Kunoichi Russian and a childhood friend of Saizou dominates and hailstones.
Kamanosuke Yuri
Has an androgynous figure who struggles with a Kamaitachi and allows no one but him Saizou mate.
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