Brave 10 is a manga Japanese written and illustrated by Kairi Shimotsuki. After some rumors of the end of the first manga, in August 2011 on the official website of Brave10 was published the first teaser animated adaptation, an anime TV series and is the first manga of the same name to it.
Brave10 is set in the Sengoku period (1478-1605), an era in which Japan was divided into small feudal states that tended to war for supremacy. Because of the ambition of a gentleman of these states, the shrine of Izumo is set on fire and his people killed.
Brave10 is set in the Sengoku period (1478-1605), an era in which Japan was divided into small feudal states that tended to war for supremacy. Because of the ambition of a gentleman of these states, the shrine of Izumo is set on fire and his people killed.