Problem Children are Coming from Another World, Aren't They? is a Japanese light novel series written and illustrated by Tatsunoko Taro Amano by Yu. An anime adaptation by Diomedea began airing in January 2013.
Three young people, called Sakamaki Izajoi, Kudo Asuka and Kasukabe Jo, living in different worlds, have extraordinary abilities. Not finding an application to their ability, they feel they are alone in their worlds.
However, their lives drastically changes when they find strange letters, sent to each of them. Immediately, after they shall affect in another world, called blooming garden. Here resides at duonbestoj, demons, gods, humans and other rational beings. Upon arriving; however, the young people meet duonkuniklo-girl, called Career-Usagi. She explains to them that they call them in this world, that they may participate in Premiaj Games, in which they can apply their skills.
Mondaiji Characters:
Sakamaki Izayoi
An arrogant boy who often tries to solve problems with violence and is a very smart guy. He was bored with his old world, and are looking for some fun in the "Small World".
Black Rabbit / Kuro Usagi
A girl rabbit ears that resides in the "Small World" and is the one called troubled children. Often it's about being serious, but easily get nervous.
Kudou Asuka
A rich young woman who has the ability of "Oracle", used her authority to others with her words. It also has the ability to control other gifts and strengthen the power of an object.
Kasukabe You
A fairly quiet young girl, her gift is called "Genome Arbor - Priorum No", was given to her by her father, and gives him the ability to talk to animals and the use of the skills of any animal that is capable of friendship.
Jin Russel
The current leader of the community "No Name".
One of the members of the community "No Name".
Manager of Thousand Eyes and the Demon Lord of the White Night. She is also a bit of a pervert.
Three young people, called Sakamaki Izajoi, Kudo Asuka and Kasukabe Jo, living in different worlds, have extraordinary abilities. Not finding an application to their ability, they feel they are alone in their worlds.
Mondaiji Characters:
Sakamaki Izayoi
An arrogant boy who often tries to solve problems with violence and is a very smart guy. He was bored with his old world, and are looking for some fun in the "Small World".
Black Rabbit / Kuro Usagi
A girl rabbit ears that resides in the "Small World" and is the one called troubled children. Often it's about being serious, but easily get nervous.
Kudou Asuka
A rich young woman who has the ability of "Oracle", used her authority to others with her words. It also has the ability to control other gifts and strengthen the power of an object.
Kasukabe You
A fairly quiet young girl, her gift is called "Genome Arbor - Priorum No", was given to her by her father, and gives him the ability to talk to animals and the use of the skills of any animal that is capable of friendship.
Jin Russel
The current leader of the community "No Name".
One of the members of the community "No Name".
Manager of Thousand Eyes and the Demon Lord of the White Night. She is also a bit of a pervert.
Mondaiji PV
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