The story of anime is about life wearing a sophomore in high school called Saya Kisaragi. She leads a happy life in a remote village with her father who is always very cheerful and friendly. She sings a song that she invents, along the road going to school.
Her mother was a priestess of the temple, and when she was still alive, struggling with calling "Furukimono" which is monsters who devour humans, so the hunt in order to protect the common people, their friends and her father.
Saya and her father cannot cook, so her food is prepared by Fumito-san, who study in the same college her father. She loves coffee and loves the "Guimauve" that prepares Fumito-san. She is so clueless character is unaware of the feelings of affection that some guys feel for her series. Her life will be full of problems when she learns the truth about her past, and sees that everything she believed is a lie and a twisted game in which she and everyone else are nothing more than a puppet.
Blood-C Characters:
Saya Kisaragi
She is an optimistic girl, and that is often too polite. Despite being very athletic, she is very clumsy, always in a hurry, and tends to be late for school. Saya tries to protect all of whom she calls " furikimono" that kills and then unconsciously feeds on them, but rarely achieved rescue and seeing the death to many people, including her friends why she feels a strong headaches cause of trying to remember her past but cannot or rather will not let her do it.
Fumito Nanahara
He is Saya's neighbor and owner of Guimauve, a cafe near the house Saya is also the name of a serving cupcakes Saya, and that she loves, she says it tastes like "something" that, in fact, the end to the series reveals Fumito.
Tokizane Shinichirou
At first serious boy, studying in the same school as Saya. Always late to class. Saya always tries to cheer him up but most of the time he fails or things go wrong.
Tadayoshi Kisaragi
He is the father of Saya, which teaches you how to be a priestess. He really loves Saya and believes she is much closer with him and the fact that it hurts to trick into believing in a farce.
Blood-C Trailer
Her mother was a priestess of the temple, and when she was still alive, struggling with calling "Furukimono" which is monsters who devour humans, so the hunt in order to protect the common people, their friends and her father.
Saya and her father cannot cook, so her food is prepared by Fumito-san, who study in the same college her father. She loves coffee and loves the "Guimauve" that prepares Fumito-san. She is so clueless character is unaware of the feelings of affection that some guys feel for her series. Her life will be full of problems when she learns the truth about her past, and sees that everything she believed is a lie and a twisted game in which she and everyone else are nothing more than a puppet.
Blood-C Characters:
Saya Kisaragi
She is an optimistic girl, and that is often too polite. Despite being very athletic, she is very clumsy, always in a hurry, and tends to be late for school. Saya tries to protect all of whom she calls " furikimono" that kills and then unconsciously feeds on them, but rarely achieved rescue and seeing the death to many people, including her friends why she feels a strong headaches cause of trying to remember her past but cannot or rather will not let her do it.
Fumito Nanahara
He is Saya's neighbor and owner of Guimauve, a cafe near the house Saya is also the name of a serving cupcakes Saya, and that she loves, she says it tastes like "something" that, in fact, the end to the series reveals Fumito.
Tokizane Shinichirou
At first serious boy, studying in the same school as Saya. Always late to class. Saya always tries to cheer him up but most of the time he fails or things go wrong.
Tadayoshi Kisaragi
He is the father of Saya, which teaches you how to be a priestess. He really loves Saya and believes she is much closer with him and the fact that it hurts to trick into believing in a farce.
Blood-C Trailer