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06 April, 2012

The Sacred Blacksmith

The manga takes the work of Isao Miura, telling the story of a young knight, Cecily Campbell, wanting to get a katana in a world where "demonic pacts" or demons are devastates everything.
Sacred Blacksmith

Formerly, the continent was ravaged by a terrible war where the "demonic pacts" were in common place. Forty-four years later, Cecily Campbell, a descendant of former nobles and members of a company of knights, is looking for a blacksmith that can repair her old sword that already blunted. Her path crosses that of Luke Ainsworth, a young man who brings down a once a vagabond in the grip of a demonic pact.
These pacts are famous yet banned since peace returned. The meeting of Cecily and Luke marks the beginning of this story.
Sacred Blacksmith

The Sacred Blacksmith Characters:

Cecily Cambell

Cecily Cambell
She is a young woman belonging to the Guardian Knights Hausman, advocates independent third commercial city. All were men in previous generations of the Campbell family. She joined the Knights to follow in the footsteps of his father, after he died of an illness.

Luke Ainsworth

Luke Ainsworth
He is an asocial guy who lives on the outskirts of the city of seven, near the forest. It is the blacksmith shop "Lisa". It has the ability to forge Swords of technology and create a unique sword called the sword arm. He is not serious and involved a lot with people.

lisa Sacred Blacksmith

She is Luke's assistant. Looks like a good person with young people. Help Luke to forge swords with a special ability. Soon they know that she is a demon created by itself before his death through a pact with the devil (hence carries blood from Valbanill) at the hands of Luke Valbanill to protect her childhood friend and help him in his smithy, from hence its ability to create eye swords.

aria Sacred Blacksmith

The sword demon of the wind, in its human form has long brown hair and hazel eyes. She is placed under the protection of Cecily and she has undergone a unique relationship: in fact all persons before the girl had contested only wanted to kill the enemies as Cecily wields to protect the people he loves and has no desire to eliminate those who are in front.

oakwood lisa

Lisa Oakwood
The childhood friend of Luke where the boy was in love. His greatest desire was to become a knight and so to protect the city he loved and for that Luke thinks that looks a lot like the Cecily. Luke proposes to explore the cave on Mount Blair but inside the boys are attacked by Valbanill Oakwood Lisa and loses his life.

The Sacred Blacksmith Trailer

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