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04 October, 2011

Tales of Vesperia

The parts of the game that is all being caught in HD for the best promising demonstration. The First Strike anime tends to as a prequel of the game's story, coating the year's main character Yuri Lowell drained as a knight.
Tales of Vesperia First Strike

The game also makes relevant additions to the series' brand real-time combat system, allowing players to do battle in huge battlefields and learn new special attacks that are tied to individual weapons.

Games Tales of Vesperia

Vesperia's story concentrates on Yuri, who finds himself fixed up in jail soon after smashing into a noble's house to explore the robbery of an item from his home in the lower quarter. Decision-making that sitting around on his ass all day will get him nowhere, he breaks out of jail, only to run across a girl named Estellise running away from the castle guards. She requests him to take her to meet Yuri's best friend, Flynn, and this begins a string of events closing in Yuri leaving the town in search of the bandit, played with by Estellise, who is seeing for Flynn.

Tales of Vesperia Characters:

yuri Tales of Vesperia

Yuri Lowell
His journeys have him crossing paths with many new people, places and thrilling adventures, eventually escalating into a quest to save the planet.

flynn Tales of Vesperia

Flynn Scifo
He is a part of the Imperial Knights and, unlike Yuri, he wishes to change the empire from the inside.

estellise Tales of Vesperia

Estellise Sidos Heurassein
She uses her healing artes to help others whenever she can, and she is always kind to complete strangers. Proficient in healing artes, she was also trained in swordsmanship by a famed Imperial knight, Drake Dropwart.

karol Tales of Vesperia

Karol Capel
He was a member of the guild called "The Hunting Blades" but gets fired for desertion.

rita Tales of Vesperia

Rita Mordio
She joins the Nakama to continue her blastia research, and fights with a scroll and magic.

Tales of Vesperia raven

He's talkative, and is prone to teasing and melodramatic complaining, which easily grates on the nerves of others.

Tales of Vesperia judith

At first, she accompanies the Guild to continue her mission of destroying out-of-control blastia, and to spy on Estelle as per Phaeroh's request. Despite herself, she grows close to everyone, and becomes a permanent part of the Guild's Nakama.

patty Tales of Vesperia

Patty Fleur
At first she has a very childish personality, making jokes and irritating characters like Rita or Karol, but after she finds out about her past and her long lost friend, Seifer, she gets a more serious attitude.

duke Tales of Vesperia

Duke Pantarei
He is a mysterious man who knows a lot about the aer and the Entelexeia. He becomes an antagonist when he decides to sacrifice humanity to destroy the planet-devouring Adephagos.

Tales of Vesperia Trailer


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