It is the third series of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, an anime spinoff video game series and OVA Triangle Heart. Strikers is set after the final events of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's.
Between the start of the series A's and the end of six years pass, and Strikers is set four years later than the end of A's. Compared to the previous series, Strikers focuses more on the battles of the group and the bureaucracy , rather than on individual rivalry and school life, featuring the first and second series, the apparent change in the context of the characters and their age.
Between the start of the series A's and the end of six years pass, and Strikers is set four years later than the end of A's. Compared to the previous series, Strikers focuses more on the battles of the group and the bureaucracy , rather than on individual rivalry and school life, featuring the first and second series, the apparent change in the context of the characters and their age.