Anything about Anime, Cosplay, Console Games, Toys Collection, Convention in the Philippines & Beyond

16 December, 2011


Kana Nakamichi is a student who lost their relatives and consistent lives and works in an office delivery of newspaper. The plot follows Kana's daily life in his quiet but cheerful atmosphere.
anime kanamemo

Fearing that the repo men will take her too, she packs up what she can into a knapsack. With just that and the clothes on her back, she sets off to find a place to stay. Meanwhile, the Fuhshin News office is looking for work, and the closest thing they've been able to find is a stray cat. With no one willing to take Kana in, she ends up having an unfortunate run-in with one of Fuhshin's employees, who's out for a bike ride, and gets knocked unconscious.

anime kanamemo

When she wakes up, she finds herself in the office. They're willing to take her in. The Fuhshin News is an odd place. With an all-girl staff full of oddballs, Kana tries her best to adjust and make her way in the world as a delivery girl.

Kanamemo Characters:

Kana Nakamachi
She is an orphan who had been living with her grandmother up until the beginning of the story where she also died. She is a particularly soft spoken and shy girl who also gets frightened a lot, particularly in the presence of Haruka. Although she is sometimes clumsy and not generally skilled at various things, she is rather good at cooking.

Saki Amano

Saki Amano
She is the only "serious" one of the group, and frequently reprimands the other girls when they neglect their duties. However, she often helps Kana with her problems, including stepping in when Haruka becomes too invasive, and is also prone to giving spontaneous rewards to everyone else. She is the assistant chief of Fuhshin Gazette.

Yume Kitaoka

Yume Kitaoka
She is an energetic girl with a taste for sweet things. For the most part, she is carefree and consistently in a good mood, sometimes to the point of annoyance in people around her. She is a student at a patisserie academy, and, whenever cooking, often adds far too much sugar than what the recipe calls for.

Yuki Minami

Yuuki Minami
She is a tall shy girl and Yume's girlfriend. Her emotional state is usually placid, except when Yume is doing something with someone else without her. She and Yume share an expressive yuri love, even kissing in public occasionally.

Haruka Nishida

Haruka Nishida
She is an avid drinker of sake, and as such is often drunk. She attends college, studying bio-fermentation, and creates numerous different beverages from biologic substances. She is a self-proclaimed lolicon with a fetish for young girls under 15, often making various advances on Kana, who fears her greatly in this regard.

Hinata Azuma

Hinata Azuma
She is a carefree girl who likes to gamble or invest through various means, such as Horseracing and the stock market, but is otherwise hesitant about spending money on things such as cotton candy at a festival. She has attempted to join a college numerous times, but has failed entrance exams twice, with a third failure being predicted frequently by the others.

Mika Kujiin

Mika Kujiin
She is a newspaper deliverer at another center, although she won't admit it unless directly confronted. She is quick to blame others, and frequently turns her mistakes into inconveniences. She seems to have a crush on Kana, and gets riled up at the thought of Kana having a boyfriend. In the manga on the other hand, Kana appears to have strange feelings for her instead.

Kanamemo Trailer


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