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04 November, 2011

Burst Angel

The action takes place in the 20XX year. Tokyo government allows all to bear arms and the city is not safe. Strange monsters and no less unknown people are fighting with them on the streets of the city. These people are called angels of death.
Burst Angel anime
The head of the team is Sei. She is the boss, all the jobs it receives, the command for the operations and care for others - part of its work. Say grand daughter elders techno-corporations "Bailan" and sole heir. The Corporation conducts its business in various sectors, the main interest in robotics, armament and pharmacy, are often squeamish about dirty methods of industrial espionage.
Say all the team members gathered in a huge wheel trailer, which became the headquarters of the group.

Burst Angel anime

Silent Joe (Jo) lives, fighting, and after setting a languid and closed a teenager, there's little of what is known. She fights with Meg - a red-haired girl in a cowboy hat never gets discouraged, has a brutal appetite, special combat skills she does not, but you need someone to get into scrapes. Baby Amy - computer genius, all the robots, networks, surveillance, break-wins - it is her duty. Together, these four hires Kyohei, that he was preparing a meal different from the girls sandwiches and pastries.

Burst Angel Characters:

Burst Angel jo

She uses a pair of Desert Eagles to hunt down her targets and her aim has no equal. She has been seen with a rocket launcher from time to time as well. She is known to others as “The Angel from Hell.”

Burst Angel meg

She is best friends with Jo and they lived together in New York before joining Sei’s mercenary group. Her real name is Megumi.

Burst Angel sei

She is part of Bai Lan, also known as White Orchid Clan, which was run by her grandfather and other clan members. She was the person that recuited Jo and Meg from New York, and Amy from her own country.

Burst Angel amy

She has a personal computer hidden in her stuff animal she carries around. She was found by Sei when she hacked into her country’s government computer systems. Now she is in charge of analysis and deploying Jango to Jo when they need her to.

Burst Angel kyohei

Tachibana Kyohei
He has been working as a transporter and is usually in the middle of fights trying not to get hurt or killed. At the beginning, he believed everything the RAPT did was to help the citizens of Tokyo. In the end, he wised up and began to support Jo, and everyone else.

Burst Angel Trailer


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