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14 September, 2011

The Slayers - Sureiyāzu

The anime has a fantasy-parody saga of all time. Dizzying adventure company of hunters on their fifth point, headed sorceress Lina inverse cheerful, will not you get bored for a minute.
The Slayers
The series alternates between serious fights and quests to save the world and silly slapstick humor.
There is one Cross Dressing episode per season, and they will sometimes take breaks in the middle of grave story arcs or fights for semi-plot-related silliness. It manages to find a nice balance, and is one of the must-see series for Medieval European Fantasy.

The Slayers

Lina Inverse has earned the titles "Bandit Slayer," "Dragon Spooker," and "Enemy Of All ThatLive" in a few short years. Much to Lina's chagrin, she ends up with a group of people following her around, usually because they're all trying not to get killed by something. In the OVAs, set before the TV show, this is the deranged sorceress Naga, who believes Lina is following her around as her rival. In the TV series, this is the dumb-as-a-jellyfish swordsman Gourry Gabriev, the justice-obsessed Princess Amelia, the taciturn chimera Zelgadis, the self-proclaimed "mysterious priest" Xellos, and occasionally the shrine maiden Sylphiel.

The Slayers

The Slayers Characters:

Slayers lina

Lina Inverse
She is a young Black Magician Girl from the land of Zephilia. She is known throughout the world as the "Queen of Destruction" and "Enemy of All Living Things" due to her short temper and skill with Dragon Slaves. She usually pursues power and riches for herself, but gets dragged into saving the world along the way.

Slayers gourry

Gourry Gabriev
He is Lina's jellyfish-brained travelling fellow. A successor of the legendary swordsman of Light, he wields the ancestral weapon. He may have poor memory, but he is an excellent swordsman, and a match against even the powerful demons of the Slayers world.

Slayers zelgadis

Zelgadis Graywords
He was indentured to his great-grandfather Rezo. He asked Rezo for power, in order to seek out the Philosopher's Stone, and Rezo transformed him into a 1/3-golem, 1/3-brau demon chimera. He performed a Heel Face turns and has been trying to restore his human body ever since.

Slayers amelia

Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune
She is a young princess who initially, errors Lina as a champion of justice. And begins travelling with her out of a desire to do good. Lina finds her annoying, but puts up with her because having a member of the Saillune royal family around is handy when the restaurant bill comes due.

Slayers xellos

Xellos the Priest
He is the loyal servant of the Greater Beast Zelas Metallium. He is twice as powerful as any of the other Priests or Generals due to the fact that he was created without a General counterpart, and one of the most powerful demons in the world overall. He loves deception, and his true motivation is often impossible to determine. Note that he gave himself the title of The Trickster Priest.

Slayers naga

Naga the White Serpent
She is a flake unpleasant, alcoholic, scantily-clad sorceress. She was Lina Inverse's first travelling partner, with whom Lina gladly parted ways before she eventually met up with Gourry Gabriev. Unbeknownst to Lina, she is the First Princess of Saillune and thus Amelia's older sister. She soon declared herself Lina's rival and began following her around.

Slayers filia

Filia Ul Copt
She is an uptight member of the Golden Dragon race. She replaces Sylphiel in Slayers TRY, acting as a guide for the party in the Golden Dragons' quest to stop Dark Star Dugradigdu. As a member of a race siding with Ciefeed, the god of the Slayers World, she comes to blows with Xellos frequently, often for comedic relief.

Slayers - Trailer Seasons


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