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24 September, 2011

Mahou Sensei Negima

negimaMahou Sensei Negima! is the newest OVA's. Based from the Hybrid anime manga Negima!, Negima!? and Negima Neo.

Negi Springfield has just graduated from a magic Academy in Wales, and finds that his assignment for earning his full magic license is a job as a teacher — in a private all-girl's school in Japan.

And life doesn't get any easier. Although he's supposed to keep his magic secret, he's having control problems, and blows his cover in front of some of the girls almost immediately. Furthermore, he can't get properly licensed until he finds a partner.


His style of magic requires a "defender" who handles physical threats while he casts his spells; the contract between mage and partner is sealed with a kiss and empowers the partner to near-superhuman levels. It soon becomes obvious that, by the sheerest coincidence, almost all of Negi's students are excellent candidates for partnership. And now that you mention it, the school itself isn't quite as"normal" as it appears at first glance.


Mahou Sensei Negima Characters:

negima negi

Negi Springfield
He is a precocious Welsh mage who was tasked to be the homeroom teacher of an all-female Japanese middle school class. Just in case your Willing Suspension of Disbelief isn't sobbing and cutting itself in a dark corner of your mind yet, he's also developed into a pretty Badass Shonen Genre protagonist, as well as the object of several of his students' crushes. His principal goal is to find his Disappeared Dad, Nagi Springfield, a legendary mage, hero of the most recent magical war, who has been presumed dead for a decade or so.

negima asuna

Kagurazaka Asuna
She is the ordinary Tsundere roommate of Negi. She quickly discovers his secret, becomes his first pactio partner, and either his closest comrade in arms, his surrogate older sister or something more.
She gets a pretty impressive Chekhov's Armoury and, later on, frequent dreams hints to her Mysterious Past.

negima setsuna

Sakurazaki Setsuna
She is a excellent swordswoman and childhood friend of Konoka, she served as her bodyguard from the shadows until the events of the Kyoto Class Trip forced her to reveal herself to Negi and Asuna, and to get closer to Konoka.

negima yue

Ayase Yue
She is very bright young woman. She's also been rendered cynical and Ariadne Battle Maiden Knight Squad Cadet. She is extremely demotivated for school by the death of her grandfather. The discovery of Magic and getting into a Love Triangle with her best friend and her kid teacher have finally given her something to occupy that enormous intellect.

negima nagase

Nagase Kaede
She is a Kouga Chuunin Ninja of considerable skill, and acts as something of a wise mentor to the group when she's not serving as muscle. She is portrayed as quite possibly more powerful than Negi himself in the early stages (despite initially not knowing about magic at all), and is still a competent warrior. She's shown to be the equal to Mana Tatsumiya, generally regarded as one of the more powerful characters. She has given Kotaro some training and is currently joined up with the core of Ala Alba in Ostia.

negima karakuri

Karakuri Chachamaru
She has a substantial crush on Negi, and apparently also brews very good tea. While technically a member of Ala Alba, Chachamaru is also Evangeline's servant, having been created by Hakase a few years ago as a fully-functional, fully-emotional magic robot.

negima mana

Tatsumiya Mana
She is a bit cheap, and will work for any side if the price is right. Half demon, though not in the same way as Setsuna apparently.

negima ku fei

Ku Fei
She is a Chinese Martial Artist of incredible skill who somehow manages to pull off being able to fight demons, robots, and assorted monsters with little more than her fists. She tutored Negi in martial arts, and his skill in this area defined his fighting style from then on.

negima yuna

Akashi Yuna
A mischievous and enthusiastic in everything she does, her charisma means that she's often the ringleader when it comes to the hijinks pulled by class 2-A/3-A. Her first notable action was during the School Festival, when she led an army of her fellow students in battle against Chao's robots, proving herself quite adept with magical weapons and eventually taking fourth place in the contest.

negima hasegawa

Hasegawa Chisame
She first tries to deny or devise a logical explanation for the supernatural events she witness, until Chachamaru confirms that she is indeed a robot, that the child teacher is also a powerful mage and that she stumbled upon a plot to reveal magic to the world.

negima nodoka

Miyazaki Nodoka
She is a quiet girl in the library exploration club, she is almost terminally shy before she meets up with Negi and becomes the first of many girls to develop a crush on him. During the Kyoto arc, she formed a pactio with Negi and was subsequently inducted into the group. Her artifact's power is the ability to read minds if she knows her target's name, which proved very useful in outwitting Kotaro and later, Dynamis.

negima saotome

Saotome Haruna
She is the final member of the Library Exploration Club to become aware of Negi's secret, and quite upset about being left out. Unlike the others who were dragged into Negi's issues with a bit of apprehension, she had no such issues. She's a master at the art of drawing which becomes the focus of her Pactio card.

negima ako

Izumi Ako
She is a sweet young girl with a talent for music and caretaking, she suffers constant insecurity due to a huge and ugly scar on her back and because she doesn't consider herself special compared to others.

negima asakura

Asakura Kazumi
Started out as a Wild Card when she nearly exposed Negi's secret, though has since become a dependable ally. Frequently goes to obsessive lengths for The Big Scoop. Good at information gathering and spying, especially since gaining her artifact.

Mahou Sensei Negima Trailer


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