It is an animated television series Japanese in 13 episodes which aired in Japan in 2004. This is the first part of a trilogy series that has Nanoha, Nanoha A's and StrikerS Nanoha.
Nanoha Takamachi is a child who attends the third grade and lives with his parents, who run a bar, the elder sister, attending high school and his brother, a university student. The normal life changes when Nanoha hears a strange voice calling her while she was walking home from school and ends with the recovery of a ferret injured. In this way Nanoha gets a magical crystal called Raising Heart, which gives magical powers.
Nanoha Takamachi is a child who attends the third grade and lives with his parents, who run a bar, the elder sister, attending high school and his brother, a university student. The normal life changes when Nanoha hears a strange voice calling her while she was walking home from school and ends with the recovery of a ferret injured. In this way Nanoha gets a magical crystal called Raising Heart, which gives magical powers.