The anime series produced by studio Arms, scripted by Michiko Itou, directed by Yasuomi Umetsu. The animated series (12 episodes) begins January 12, 2014, Japan.
The story takes place in the 2018 Tokyo, where normal men and wizards coexist. Result, laws were introduced against the use of magic and magic tribunal was set up to try all cases including its use. In those cases, the Benmashi or lawyers magicians, defending holders of special powers. It follow the adventures of Cecil Sudo, the youngest Benmashi of history, accompanied by her partner, will defend her clients in numerous cases.
The story takes place in the 2018 Tokyo, where normal men and wizards coexist. Result, laws were introduced against the use of magic and magic tribunal was set up to try all cases including its use. In those cases, the Benmashi or lawyers magicians, defending holders of special powers. It follow the adventures of Cecil Sudo, the youngest Benmashi of history, accompanied by her partner, will defend her clients in numerous cases.