Wake Up, Girls! Is a Japanese animated series produced by studio Ordet and Tatsunoko Production and directed by Yutaka Yamamoto. A television series aired in Japan between January and March 2014.
Green Leaves Entertainment is a small production company in the city of Sendai, on the verge of bankruptcy. The agency has produced formerly magicians, photo idols, lights, and other artists. But their last customer finally resigned. The ailing company, the president Tange the idea of producing a group of young idols, the manager Matsuda, not very enthusiastic about this idea, goes in search of new talent.
Green Leaves Entertainment is a small production company in the city of Sendai, on the verge of bankruptcy. The agency has produced formerly magicians, photo idols, lights, and other artists. But their last customer finally resigned. The ailing company, the president Tange the idea of producing a group of young idols, the manager Matsuda, not very enthusiastic about this idea, goes in search of new talent.