Tokyo Ghoul is a manga written and illustrated by Sui Ishida. An adaptation in anime produced by Studio Pierrot is broadcast between July and September 2014 on Tokyo MX. A second season titled Tokyo Ghoul √A is broadcast in January 2015.
In the city of Tokyo, named creatures ghouls appeared and feed on human flesh to survive. To be discreet, they take the appearance of humans. One day, Ken Kaneki young student, is attacked by a creature and sustains a serious injury. To stay alive, he receives a transplant of the ghoul who attacked and becomes a half-human hybrid mid-Ghoul. He soon realizes that he can no longer feed as before ...
In the city of Tokyo, named creatures ghouls appeared and feed on human flesh to survive. To be discreet, they take the appearance of humans. One day, Ken Kaneki young student, is attacked by a creature and sustains a serious injury. To stay alive, he receives a transplant of the ghoul who attacked and becomes a half-human hybrid mid-Ghoul. He soon realizes that he can no longer feed as before ...