It is an anime based on the videogame Devil Kings developed by Capcom . The series is made by the studio Production IG and consists of 12 chapters. The series' second season, titled Sengoku Basara II, began broadcast in July 2010. On June 4, 2011 in Japan has released the feature film titled Sengoku Basara: The Last Party.
In the Sengoku period , Japan was divided into semi-independent provinces, governed by feudal lords, also called daimyo, who faced an endless struggle for power. Ambitious daimyo all over the archipelago put clear its battle cry. Some were Takeda Shingen of Kai, Sanada Yukimura , Uesugi Kenshin of Echigo, Azai Nagamasa of Omi or Tokugawa Ieyasu of Mikawa, among others.
In the Sengoku period , Japan was divided into semi-independent provinces, governed by feudal lords, also called daimyo, who faced an endless struggle for power. Ambitious daimyo all over the archipelago put clear its battle cry. Some were Takeda Shingen of Kai, Sanada Yukimura , Uesugi Kenshin of Echigo, Azai Nagamasa of Omi or Tokugawa Ieyasu of Mikawa, among others.