The Ambition of Oda Nobuna is an anime from the light novel series written by Kasuga Mikage and illustrated by Miyama-Zero. It has been adapted to television series which premiere last July 9, 2012.
Yoshiharu Sagaru, a college student passionate about video game's feudal Japan, especially games Nobunaga's Ambition, finds himself suddenly in the Sengoku era in battle. He is saved by a man who would later become Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but at the cost of the life of the latter.
Yoshiharu Sagaru, a college student passionate about video game's feudal Japan, especially games Nobunaga's Ambition, finds himself suddenly in the Sengoku era in battle. He is saved by a man who would later become Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but at the cost of the life of the latter.