Hidamari Sketch is a anime manga 4koma created by Ume Aoki about the daily lives of a group of girls living in a small apartment where they demonstrate their artistic skills.
Hidamari Sketch centers on a young girl named Yuno who is finally accepted into a Yamabuki Middle School. To get to school, Yuno moves into a small apartment building called Hidamari Apartments, near the school. She starts making new friends like her classmate Miyako and the second year students, Hiro and Sae.
Hidamari Sketch centers on a young girl named Yuno who is finally accepted into a Yamabuki Middle School. To get to school, Yuno moves into a small apartment building called Hidamari Apartments, near the school. She starts making new friends like her classmate Miyako and the second year students, Hiro and Sae.