A series anime for television based on the game was produced by TMS Entertainment and aired in Japan on TV Tokyo from January 8, 2011. A second season of the anime began airing on April 8, 2012.
The protagonist of the story, Aichi Sendou, is a timid boy in his third year of middle school. HAS always lived his life looking backward rather than forward, trying not to put too much on display. However, Aichi has one thing sets it apart from the others - the "Blaster Blade," a card from a card game that was given when he was little.
The protagonist of the story, Aichi Sendou, is a timid boy in his third year of middle school. HAS always lived his life looking backward rather than forward, trying not to put too much on display. However, Aichi has one thing sets it apart from the others - the "Blaster Blade," a card from a card game that was given when he was little.