The story focuses on Sakura Kinomoto , a little girl who discovers her strange magical powers after accidentally released a set of cards that were inside a book. After that, Sakura, with the help of his friends, is forced to collect and care for " Clow Cards "to prevent it from happening a" catastrophe "in the world.
Sakura Kinomoto, lively girl of 10 years, is in his father's library a book called The Clow . After breaking the seal and open the mysterious book, see a funny talking animal, named Kero-chan, who proclaimed himself as the Guardian of the Seal, the one who has to protect the book and the papers contained therein. By breaking the seal, however, the Clow Cards have been released, and now it is up to the task of Sakura capture, helped by Kero-chan (nickname Kerberus).