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03 August, 2014


There's a lot of anime and anime characters that use a Lolita Fashion. Lolita fashion is a type of subculture youth originated in Japan based on the ' Victorian era, as well as on the clothes of the time rococo, but his style has had a major diversification beyond beyond them. The look lolita began a distinguished primarily for its attention to the materials and manufacturing of clothes.
The classic silhouette provides a long skirt to the knee with a bell-shape data from various petticoats, but has evolved to include ankle-length skirts and corsets. Blouses, knee socks or stockings and headdresses are also part of the lolita dress worn habitually. The lolita fashion has evolved into several different sub-styles and is present as a youth subculture in different parts of the world.

Although the origin of Lolita fashion is unclear, it can be traced back to the late 70's clothes defined as "lolita" produced by famous Japanese designer label in the country, as the Pink House and Milk and Pretty (later renamed the Angelic Pretty ). Following many other brands were born like that, now famous among fans of the genre, such as Baby, The Stars Shine Bright and Metamorphose temps de fille. In the 90s the lolita fashion started to become better known thanks to bands like Princess Princess and other popular in those years, that wearing clothes inspired by fashion lolita plagued their fans. The style originated in the area also of Kansai, from where it spread to Tokyo, reaching fame in the entire youth population. Nowadays, fashion lolita has reached a level of popularity in this country that it can be found even in department stores or websites. Cheap Lolita Dresses, all items are hot sale. Online shopping Lolita Dresses help you to get the quality Lolita Dresses at us!

The term 'Lolita'
The term "Lolita" within the context of fashion has no innuendo of a sexual nature, and its use in the Japanese language can be considered as Wasei-eigo. It is often also considered the birth of the style as a reaction against the increasing percentage of exposed skin by young people, especially girls, in today's society, and those who adhere to this fashion they prefer to be called "cute" or "elegant" rather than "sexy".

Style types

Gothic Lolita
The Gothic Lolita, sometimes abbreviated GothLoli, is a combination of style Gothic and Lolita fashion. The style originated in the late 90s in the district of Harajuku, Tokyo.

The style is characterized by dark makeup and clothes. The most common trick is composed of red lipstick and eye shadow such as "smokey", even if they are not applied in an exaggerated way, like in other types of style. Although the face powdered white is often associated with the concept of gothic, lolita fashion is seen as in bad tast; are used dark colors such as midnight blue, emerald green, scarlet or purple, although the combination black and white remains popular. Even jewelry in the shape of a cross, religious symbols, backpacks and bags in the shape of a bat, coffin or crucifix are used as accessories to complete the look.

Elegant Gothic Lolita (EGL) and Elegant Gothic Aristocrat (EGA) are sub-styles of gothic lolita created by the visual kei rock musician Mana, for his label Moi-meme-Moitie.

The most famous brand of gothic lolita clothes are Atelier-Pierrot, Atelier Boz, Black Peace Now, h. NAOTO Blood and Moi-meme-Moitie.

Example of anime character that use Gothic Lolita is Le Portrait de Petit Cossette. She is Cossette d'Auvergne.

Sweet Lolita
Sweet Lolita, also known as ama-loli  in Japanese, is very influenced as well as rococo as the Victorian era and Edwardian. Focusing mainly the appearance of the child lolita fashion, sweet lolita adopts the basic lines of the style, using pastel colors and prints are also childish.

The trick used is also the most common among the various types of style. Makeup peach, pink, or pearl, paired with a lipstick in the same color, it is considered highly "sweet" and is used by most of the sweet lolita dress.

Are used on the complete themed prints, pastel colors, depicting fruit, sweets, flowers, ribbons, lace, bows, animals (cats, rabbits, dogs) to emphasize its cuteness. There are frequent references to "Alice in Wonderland" and the classic fairy tales. Bands, headphones and accessories flakes are much appreciated. Backpacks and bags can be in the shape of strawberries, crowns, hearts, and stuffed animals.

The most famous ones are sweet lolita brand Angelic Pretty, Baby, The Stars Shine Bright and Metamorphose temps de fille.

Example of anime character that use Sweet Lolita is Rozen Maiden. She is Hinaichigo.

Classic Lolita
The Classic Lolita is a more mature style of Lolita that is not as dark as Gothic Lolita nor graceful as the Sweet Lolita. It is commonly seen as a sophisticated style for his prints with pattern inconspicuous and for the colors used, more restrained than in the other styles, as well as for cutting more adult clothes.

The empire-style cut is sometimes used to emphasize the maturity of the classic lolita, although the baseline of the lolita style is most common; The shoes are simple and comfortable than in other styles, as well as jewelry, and makeup is not very emphasized and is a favorite look natural face.

The most famous brand classic lolita fashion include Juliette et Justine, Innocent World, Victorian Maiden, Triple Fortune, and Mary Magdalene.

Example of anime character that use Classic Lolita is Gosick. She is Victorique de Blois.

Punk Lolita
Punk Lolita (or Lolita Panku) adds elements of ' clothing punk lolita fashion. Torn material or silk screened, ties, chains, studs, pins, tartan, stripes and androgynous hairstyles are incorporated into the sweetness and opulence of Lolita. The skirts are often shorter and / or the typical asymmetrical skirts Lolita and it is common to mix patterns (particularly used plaid with stripes.) The shoes are the most commonly used amphibians and creepers.

The brand of Punk Lolita most common are A + Lidel, Putumayo, h. NAOTO and Na + H.

Example of anime character that use Punk Lolita is Triptych. She is Karen.

Gothic & Lolita Bible 
Due to the increasing interest in Lolita quarterly journal is published Gothic & Lolita Bible, which presents the latest Lolita collections, lolita dress patterns for sewing supplies and serves with make-up advice. In addition to fashion tips and Firsts of shops and clothes, there are also recipes and interviews in the magazine. Celebrities such as Mana , which for his own fashion label Moi-meme-Moitie remodeled, and the singer Kana, the musician Miyavi or Aya (guitarist of the band Psycho le Cemu ) can be seen in many editions. In addition, often are short manga stories in the magazine include, for example, of Mitsukazu Mihara. Since December 2008, which is Gothic & Lolita Bible in English in the publisher Tokyopop available.

Other styles are less common, but also used in day-to-day:

  • Country Lolita - is a more "fresh" and modest style, usually used in hot seasons like summer, brings hats and straw bags with lace and bows, prints and floral motifs, fruit or a delicate chess as gingham.
  • Casual Lolita - Casual Lolita is a way to use the style with everyday and ordinary clothes. For example: bell-shaped skirts, as the style requires, with lace, bows and ruffles and a baby shirt look with soft print. Never tennis shoes (not sneakers). Simple shoes with low heels and doll fall better.
  • Hime Lolita - Style that refers more to the image of European princesses. Although very similar to the Sweet Lolita, especially the colors, differs by models dress, accessories (crowns, tiaras, pearl) and even the hairstyle.
  • Shiro Lolita - considered by some subdivision lolita sweet, shiro Lolita is an outfit composed only of white, as shiro, Japanese means white.
  • Kuro Lolita - also considered subdivision of sweet lolita by some people, is the opposite of a Shiro Lolita outfit, just a lolita dressed only in black.
Other common types are:
  • Aristocrat
  • Boystyle
  • Ero
  • Country
  • Waloli / Qiloli
  • Guro
  • Pirate
  • Old School
Manga and Anime
  • Le Portrait de Petit Cossette
  • Paradise Kiss
  • Princess Princess
  • Shiki
  • Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase
  • Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
  • Gosick
  • The Wallflower - The Goth-Loli Sisters are recurring characters in the anime adaptation.
  • Rozen Maiden
  • IC in a Sunflower
  • Othello
  • The Embalmer

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