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05 September, 2011


The series is known and loved for blending typical Shounen action tropes with a gothic sensibility and a sense of design that borders on the surreal. Excellent anime brought together a lot of genres. There are friendship and love, mysticism, fantasy and of course, the main characters dizzying battle against evil. All this and the atmosphere of the XIX century not forgotten to leave the viewing experience.
d. grayman

The anime takes place in an alternative Europe of the XIX century and tells of the Millennial Box, made plans to destroy the world he created with Akuma - human-like creatures, which are instruments of evil living and combines soul deceased person's body and mechanical. And struggling with exorcists, members of the Religious Organization Called The Black Order.

anime grayman

The Exorcist - this special human being which has the relationship with the "Pure Power," the divine substance, created centuries ago to fight the creatures of the graph. It is known that net force in the form of 109 units scattered around the world. Once the particle enters the Pure Strength in relation to a the right person, it can be turned into weapons to fight the Akuma.
d gray man

Allen Walker - a boy 15 years old, born with their own clean power in his left hand, and as basically, all anime - that the main character likes to eat. When he died adoptive father Alain, he made a deal with a thousand Earl, and his father turned into Akuma. Before you try to kill his father, Allen cursed him since the day Allen his left eye sees the souls of Akuma. Allen survived by his left hand, which is protecting him. She was activated and deal with Akuma. Furthermore, is a blood relative, Alain 14th November, may itself be one of Noah's. Alain great mullet gambling, while he was changing, becoming more evil. A little inadequate when I think of his teacher-Marshal and his debts.

d. grayman

D. Gray-man Characters:

walker allen

Allen Walker
He is a young man who was born with a deformed red left arm with a cross embedded in the hand. His biological parents abandoned him because of this, and Allen was taken in and raised by a man named Mana Walker. He accepted the offer, and Mana's soul was trapped in the metal body of an Akuma. Mana cursed Allen and tried to kill him to wear his skin, but it turns out that Allen's deformed arm is an Innocence, which then activated and destroyed Mana's Akuma body. He was later taken under the wing of General Cross, who trained him how to be an "Exorcist."

lenalee lee

Lenalee Lee
She is the Sister Of Black Order Supervisor Komui Lee, and a powerful Exorcist. After her parents were killed by an Akuma, she was found to be compatible with an Innocence at a young age, pretty much abducted by the Order and forced to synchronize with it. After nearly killing herself during several attempts to escape the Order, she is persuaded to stay when Komui joins to be near her. She is very kind, and fights not for the cause of the 'holy war' that the Black Order is fighting against the Millennium Earl, but for the safety of her family and friends. An equipment-type, they allow her to run faster than normal, jump great heights, and make her heel over deadly weapons.

D.Gray-man lavi

He is a mysterious young man set to become the next Bookman, a historian who records the secret wars that shape the world. It originally sent to the Black Order solely to document the war between Exorcists and Akuma. He finds himself becoming more and more attached to his fellow Exorcists. He can harness elemental powers through Tettsui with various 'seals.

D.Gray-man kanda

Yuu Kanda
He is a very efficient Exorcist, who prefers to work alone, though he is nominally under General Tiedoll's command. He has a tattoo of a strange rune on his left pectoral that sucks his life force to heal him if he is injured. In a past life, he was an exorcist who was killed in battle by an Akuma, since Exorcists are scarce they transplanted his brain into an artificial body, having no clear memories of the person he once was, but tortured by flashes of a romance he once had.

D.Gray-man arystar

Arystar Krory
He is a vampire-like exorcist from Romania. After he gained his Innocence, he instinctively attacked and drained the blood of Akuma, causing the villagers to believe he was a vampire. The only person who accepted, he was a girl named Eliade, who later turned out to be an Akuma. When he found out what she really was, she tried to kill him. He ended up killing her as she said she only wanted to love him, despite her Akuma nature. The Reason He Joined The Black Order is so that Eliade's death would have a purpose. During the Ark arc, he gains the ability to remove the blood from his body and turn it into a living, virtually invulnerable replica of himself.

D.Gray-man miranda

Miranda Lotto
She is a shy, clumsy and insecure German woman who was the subject of ridicule in her hometown due to her inability to hold down a job. She has been fired from over 100 jobs, and often feels useless because of this. When her clock caused the same day to repeat over and over in her town after she connected with Innocence inside it, Allen and Lenalee helped her to revert the time flow to normal. She joined the Black Order soon afterwards, determined to be a useful exorcist. Her ability is the Time Record, which she can use to heal people and repair broken objects by reversing time.

D.Gray-man daisya

Daisya Barry
He is an exorcist from Bodrum. His anti-Akuma weapon is the Charity bell. He was one of the first exorcists to be killed by Tyki.

D.Gray-man cross

Cross Marian
He has a very sociopathic usage of wrenching up huge amounts of due and weaseling out of paying it, usually by foisting it off on Allen instead. He also Allen's Trickster Mentor and doesn't especially like the Rules The Rest Of The Order wants him to follow, and stays far away from headquarters as much as possible just because he's contrary.

D.Gray-man komui

Komui Lee
He is the Supervisor Of The Black Order. After his younger sister, Lenalee was forced to become an exorcist, he joined the Order to be with her. Although lazy and disorganized, he does what he can to help the exorcists, such as repairing damaged anti-Akuma weapons.

D.Gray-man chang

Bak Chang
He is the Director of Asia's branch and also one of the few higher positioned Black Order members who actually gets along with Allen, as Bak has shown great deal of concern for his well being. He's compassionate man who helps Allen recover his Innocence after Tyki destroys it. Despite his harmless habit of stalking Lenalee, Bak seems to be friends with Komui.

D.Gray-man howard

Howard Link
He is the Inspector for the Vatican and Malcolm Lvellie's right-hand man. Introduced in Chapter 135, he is charged with keeping an eye on Allen Walker at all times.

D.Gray-man road

Road Kamelot
She is the original Noah ever encountered by Allen, and has the appearance of a small girl with spiky black hair. However, she is called the oldest Noah by other members of the family, implying that she was to awaken as one.

D.Gray-man Trailer


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