The male heroine was killed by a serial killer when he tried to play heroes to save a potential victim, and was reanimated into a zombie by a necromancer so that he can have his revenge. While searching for the serial killer, he mistakenly stole the magical powers from a monster-hunting magical girl. With his newfound abilities, he has to fight monsters too while biding his time for his revenge.
Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka? Characters :
Aikawa Ayumu
He is a Mahou Shoujo zombie that was killed by an unknown person in a string of serial killings while trying to help someone else.
Eucliwood Hellscythe
She is a sorcerer from the underworld. She is a very private person and seems to be going through an inner turmoil that no one can understand. She is mute and straight-faced and reveals only through a series of notes.
Tomia cosplay as Eucliwood Hellscythe
Korean Cosplay Goddess Tomia as Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka? character
Tomia Korea Best Cosplayer
She is a Mahou Shoujo that lost her powers to Aikawa Ayumu, also she can only remember one persons name, Aikawa. She comes to live with Ayumu after she suspects he has drained her of her magical powers, and it certainly seems this is true after he can use her power.
She is a arrogant vampire ninja who can use the deadly Tsubamegaeshi sword technique. She comes to Ayumu’s home as she wants to serve Eucliwood, but when Eucliwood denies her proposal, she unwillingly becomes Ayumu’s servant in order to get close to her.
She is an expert practitioner of imposture, and a childhood friend of Ayumu Aikawa's classmate. She also acquires a rapid-fire, inflammable mood.
She was cursed to be caught in the body of a middle-aged man. She is pondered to be the toughest Masou Shoujo in Villiers.
She is, in fact, a student in a neighbouring class, named Yoshida Yuki. She's also a vampire ninja, of a division conflicting Seraphim's family.
She is the instructor of Matelis Magical Academy in Villiers, which Haruna and Kyoko belong to. She's extremely unpaired.
She is Sera's topnotch, who also studies at Ayumu's school as "Kirara Hoshikawa." She places a agreement out on Eu for being a Megalo magnet and has Sera do the job.
Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka Trailer
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