The most popular gathering of Toys and Cosplay from anime, marvel, DC-Comics, Games, WWE, Sci-Fi theme, etc.......
The 10th Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention 2011 will be held at the 5th Level of SM Megamall, Megatrade Hall from 10:00am – 9:00pm, this coming 18th, and 19th of June 2011.
Christmas ToyCon 2011
This coming 16th to 18th of December - Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Mega...ToyCon 2011 Attractions
The most awaited time of the year of toys, games, anime and cosplay now...TOYCON 2011-Cosplay Nation D1 Preview
Attending Toycon 2011 is like being present in multiple events a time. My...