This anime game revolves around a high school student named Takumi Nishijo, who is embroiled in a bloody crime scene on the way home, since then more mysterious events begin to occur, as other equally bloody murder. Takumi has started to face reality and "delusions" that experience to avoid being trapped by the author of these crimes.
As for the story, the show starts out as a mystery-thriller, but a few episodes in, it decides to be a shounen action series with Takumi having a personal army of chicks with magical swords who fights an evil man who claims his actions are for the greater good of humanity. While ambitious story-lines are commendable, the show should have stuck to its murder-mystery roots instead of expanding to a convoluted doomsday scenario driven by “scientific” babble.
Anything about Anime, Cosplay, Console Games, Toys Collection, Convention in the Philippines & Beyond
10 November, 2011
09 November, 2011
The anime can be shortened to C Cube or C3. Yachi Haruaki is a high school boy and naturally resistant to curses. His father, Honatsu, sends him cursed instruments called "Worse" to try to break this.
One day, Haruaki receives a black cube from Honatsu. That very night a sound wakes haruaki that came from his kitchen where he finds a naked girl who was stealing their food. The shock that takes Haruaki for this girl is the first of many to come. She is the human-form of the black cube, an instrument of torture called "Fear in Cube". Haruaki and the girl 'Fear' fight together against other 'Worse' instruments and their owners using Fear's 32 mechanisms of torture.
One day, Haruaki receives a black cube from Honatsu. That very night a sound wakes haruaki that came from his kitchen where he finds a naked girl who was stealing their food. The shock that takes Haruaki for this girl is the first of many to come. She is the human-form of the black cube, an instrument of torture called "Fear in Cube". Haruaki and the girl 'Fear' fight together against other 'Worse' instruments and their owners using Fear's 32 mechanisms of torture.
08 November, 2011
How to Make Rozen Maiden Souseiseki Cosplay Scissor?
To make the costume or prop for your cosplay will undoubtedly help you have a better time. Since cosplay devotees are always willing to share others their tutorials, you won’t find it difficult to make a cosplay item.
Here are definitely some tips, helping you easily make the scissor for Make Rozen Maiden Souseiseki cosplay. Now, let’s begin.
Required materials: EVA boards (one black piece that’s 2cm thick and one white piece with common thickness), paper board, pencil, knife, scissor, latex, woodworking glue, golden propylene and silver acrylic paint.
Here are definitely some tips, helping you easily make the scissor for Make Rozen Maiden Souseiseki cosplay. Now, let’s begin.
Required materials: EVA boards (one black piece that’s 2cm thick and one white piece with common thickness), paper board, pencil, knife, scissor, latex, woodworking glue, golden propylene and silver acrylic paint.
07 November, 2011
Persona 4 - Shin Megami Tensei
This anime was removed from the version of a popular game called "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4".
Where a young man named Souji is transferred to a school in a rural town of Inaba trip because her parents decided to go. This is where he will live for a year with his uncle called her cousin and Ryotaro Dojima Nanako. One night he discovers that he is able to cross his TV and thus bring a totally different world full of monsters and an odd bear resident.
Where a young man named Souji is transferred to a school in a rural town of Inaba trip because her parents decided to go. This is where he will live for a year with his uncle called her cousin and Ryotaro Dojima Nanako. One night he discovers that he is able to cross his TV and thus bring a totally different world full of monsters and an odd bear resident.
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