Yuri on Ice is an anime television series of the Studios Mappa from the year 2016. The sports series appears parallel to its broadcast in Japan internationally via streaming services and turns around a young figure skater.
The Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki made it at 23 years, at the 2014 Winter Olympics to participate and where they meet his idol, the Russians Victor Nikiforov. However, Yūri is in bad shape and is last in the overall evaluation. Soon afterwards, he did so at the national championship and another very similar, so that he was defeated and returned home after five years of study and training.
The Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki made it at 23 years, at the 2014 Winter Olympics to participate and where they meet his idol, the Russians Victor Nikiforov. However, Yūri is in bad shape and is last in the overall evaluation. Soon afterwards, he did so at the national championship and another very similar, so that he was defeated and returned home after five years of study and training.