Dream-Colored Pastry Chef is a manga written and illustrated by Natsumi Matsumoto. The manga was made into a television adaptation by Pierrot and Studio Hibari. The Konami was responsible for the creation of collectible card linked to the series and the world of sweets.
Ichigo Amano is a girl who attends middle school and with no particular talent, especially when compared with the talented sister who plays the piano. Only value the girl is able to recognize with a single bite all the ingredients with which they are prepared sweets, confectionery about the grandmother and the girl's passion for sweets themselves.
Ichigo Amano is a girl who attends middle school and with no particular talent, especially when compared with the talented sister who plays the piano. Only value the girl is able to recognize with a single bite all the ingredients with which they are prepared sweets, confectionery about the grandmother and the girl's passion for sweets themselves.