Yu-Gi-Oh 1st Season is a 1996 first published manga series by the Japanese illustrator Kazuki Takahashi, also known as anime has been implemented and to the number of merchandising products, including a very successful trading card game, are marketed.
The story that the Shōnen can assign genus, is of the sixteen year old student Yugi that releases the spirit of a pharaoh with the assembly of an Egyptian puzzles. Together with this, he has to keep from sinking in various battles of the world. Many friends, especially Katsuya / Joey, Hiroto / Tristan and Anzu / Téa, are there supporting him aside.
The story that the Shōnen can assign genus, is of the sixteen year old student Yugi that releases the spirit of a pharaoh with the assembly of an Egyptian puzzles. Together with this, he has to keep from sinking in various battles of the world. Many friends, especially Katsuya / Joey, Hiroto / Tristan and Anzu / Téa, are there supporting him aside.