Revolution Machine Valvrave is an anime series in the genre of mecha studio Sunrise, which premiered last April 12, 2013 in North America, anime licensed by Aniplex of America and produced with English-language subtitles Crunchyroll and Hulu.
The plot unfolds in a moderately distant future between the three factions of humanity, 70% of whom had emigrated from Earth to space. The events focused on high school students JIOR neutral state, its pilots with the most advanced technology, including a mechanism Valvrave to stop the Dorssian forces.
The plot unfolds in a moderately distant future between the three factions of humanity, 70% of whom had emigrated from Earth to space. The events focused on high school students JIOR neutral state, its pilots with the most advanced technology, including a mechanism Valvrave to stop the Dorssian forces.