True Tears follows the life of a high school student, Nakagami Shinichiro. Very creative young boy, he lives with his parents, a student at his school, Hiromi Yuasa, it also houses since the death of his father, a friend of the family.
The anime takes place a year after his arrival in Nakagami. Hiromi knows Shin'ichiro long, but it is cold and distant when they are at home and he does not know how to talk. Hiromi is popular in high school, sports and smiles a lot, but Shinichiro knows she must hide her sorrows.
The anime takes place a year after his arrival in Nakagami. Hiromi knows Shin'ichiro long, but it is cold and distant when they are at home and he does not know how to talk. Hiromi is popular in high school, sports and smiles a lot, but Shinichiro knows she must hide her sorrows.