The Monster Seated Next to Me is a Manga Shoujo of Robico, released by Kodansha in 2008. An anime adaptation by Brain's Base aired between October and December 2012.
Shizuku is a high-school student, but during his life just think about studying! However, sometimes fate takes a hand, and turns a task to be delivered; that's come on the scene Haru Yoshida, a very mysterious companion who seems to hide a secret. One word led to another, and the two start to form a sort of friendship.
Shizuku is a high-school student, but during his life just think about studying! However, sometimes fate takes a hand, and turns a task to be delivered; that's come on the scene Haru Yoshida, a very mysterious companion who seems to hide a secret. One word led to another, and the two start to form a sort of friendship.