The story revolves around Yuuki Rito, a high school student who can not confess his love to the girl of his dreams, Haruna Sairenji. One day, coming home, located in his bath-tub a mysterious girl naked, appeared out of nowhere.
Her name is Lala and comes from the planet Deviluke, where she is the heir to the throne. His father wants you to come to his planet so she can marry one of the suitors, but she decides she wants, on the contrary, to marry Rito and stay that way on Earth. The captain Zastin was ordered to bring Lala and Rito fight.
Her name is Lala and comes from the planet Deviluke, where she is the heir to the throne. His father wants you to come to his planet so she can marry one of the suitors, but she decides she wants, on the contrary, to marry Rito and stay that way on Earth. The captain Zastin was ordered to bring Lala and Rito fight.