To Heart is a Japanese anime and manga based on the video game. In general, the story of the anime revolves around the character of Akari Kamigishi and its relationship with the protagonist Hiroyuki.
The story of "To Heart" consists of 13 episodes and focuses mostly on the everyday where the protagonists are Akari and Hiroyuki that within the course of their lives they slowly fall in love, the two have good friends who are Masashi , Shiho, Lemmy and Tomoko but later meeting new people who for some other reason and make friends that are Multi, Ayaka, Rio, Kotone, Aoi and Serika. Multi is characterized as a robot with feelings and little by some also begins to grow fond of Hiroyuki.
The story of "To Heart" consists of 13 episodes and focuses mostly on the everyday where the protagonists are Akari and Hiroyuki that within the course of their lives they slowly fall in love, the two have good friends who are Masashi , Shiho, Lemmy and Tomoko but later meeting new people who for some other reason and make friends that are Multi, Ayaka, Rio, Kotone, Aoi and Serika. Multi is characterized as a robot with feelings and little by some also begins to grow fond of Hiroyuki.