The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. is a gag manga Japanese serialized in the weekly magazine Shonen Jump, written and illustrated by Shuichi Asou. An adaptation to television series was announced in the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump No. 23 of 2016.
JCStaff and EGG FIRM are the studies commissioned adaptation with Hiroaki Sakurai as director, Michiko Yokote in the script and Masayuki Onji as a character designer. The series began airing on July 4, 2016 on TV Tokyo from Monday to Friday morning followed by an episode collecting the 5 above at the end of each week.
JCStaff and EGG FIRM are the studies commissioned adaptation with Hiroaki Sakurai as director, Michiko Yokote in the script and Masayuki Onji as a character designer. The series began airing on July 4, 2016 on TV Tokyo from Monday to Friday morning followed by an episode collecting the 5 above at the end of each week.