Tamako Market, is the name of the new series produced by studio's Kyoto Animation and directed by Naoko Yamada. This is the first anime series created naively by the study, there being no adaptation of manga, video game or light novel, in particular, but that is a story created by the alike study, more compartmentalization by the same team that worked on K-ON!
The series will be released on January 13, 2013 on the television network Tokyo MX. The series tells the story of Tamako Kitashirakawa, a sweet-natured girl whose family runs a business of Mochi, and the relationship that she has with her family and friends.
The series will be released on January 13, 2013 on the television network Tokyo MX. The series tells the story of Tamako Kitashirakawa, a sweet-natured girl whose family runs a business of Mochi, and the relationship that she has with her family and friends.