It is a unique anime series that tells the story of Jun, a boy who lives isolated from the world and usually buy toys, one day receive a box with a doll that said give him rope. By giving the doll comes to life rope. This doll is one of the Rozen Maiden, which are designed to play the game Alice Game that is to fight each other to steal the mystical Rose Rozen Maiden doll the last one standing will be Alice - The perfect doll. This doll will be remove the power to Jun, who will become a medium.
The anime held various differences from the original plot of the manga. The series continued into a second season, called Rozen Maiden - Traumend. Season one's Big Bad, Suigintou, is supplanted by a new doll named Barasuishou, and it seems as if the mysterious Rozen, father of the Rozen Maiden, has finally appeared. The OVA, Rozen Maiden Ouverture, focuses on Suigintou's backstory, and shows that Shinku wasn't as good a sister as she'd like to think.