Invaders of the Rokujyōma!, the Takehaya novel series is about a high school student who lives with a budget, in a haunted apartment surrounded by magical girls and other quirky neighbors. An anime television series adaptation by Silver Link is scheduled to air from July 2014.
Because of money problems, Kotaro Satomi, a student, was forced to live in a Rokujôma (a tiny apartment about 9 square meters). The apartment at first seems like a good deal: Kotaro does not even no rent to pay ! But over time, he will understand that it is because the apartment is "cursed".
Because of money problems, Kotaro Satomi, a student, was forced to live in a Rokujôma (a tiny apartment about 9 square meters). The apartment at first seems like a good deal: Kotaro does not even no rent to pay ! But over time, he will understand that it is because the apartment is "cursed".